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Southern Connecticut

Register for tournaments here!

Important Update!

Hey everyone! There have been a lot of changes that AVP and AVPAmerica have made this year. The biggest one is a whole new registration process. Below are the details:

AVPAmerica is no longer being used for registrations, do not go there looking to register!

The new registration service is through VolleyballLife. Click the register here button below to go to our tournaments registration page.

This is going to be the home for everything in regards to registration for our tournaments this year, if you need help with the new process please feel free to contact us on facebook and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

VolleyballLife has been used at larger tournaments over the last few years including Pottstown and similar AVP events. You will need to link your AVP profile (AVPamerica id) to your account in VolleyballLife. All your previously earned points and tournament history will carry over once you create your player profile on their platform. Here is a link to their youtube channel which has tons of videos on how to get everything set up if needed!

Again if you have any issues with this new process please don't hesitate to reach out to us and we'll do our best to help!

**** New Payment Policy ****

With moving to VolleyballLife, players are required to use their platform for the tournament registration fees. When you go to register you will have to add your registration to your "cart", this does not enter you into the tournament. Only after you checkout your cart, will your registration be added to the tournament.



We still have you covered! If you are playing in either BB or A divisions you can use the following codes for a discount at checkout:

JUNIOR - Use this code if BOTH members of the team are scholastic players

YOUNGANDOLD - Use this code if only one member of the team is a scholastic player (father/son etc)

If you are unsure if these codes apply to you please ask!! We are happy to clarify any confusion.

Winners Circle


Thanks for submitting!

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